Painting the bigger picture.

Our impact on the lives of Orange County youth is seen through our students achievements.

At Boomerang, our students define success for themselves.


During the 2023-2024 school year, 106 students from 14 schools within the Orange County and Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools districts participated in Strive programming. They completed in a total of 396 program days, working through 594 hours of academic work and 792 hours of social emotional learning.

32%  of students were interested in staying connected to Boomerang through follow-up services after completing Strive

92% of students successfully completed programming

78% of student responses increased when identifying their degree of social emotional skills on the last day of Strive compared to the first

77% of students say that Boomerang helped them learn what strengths they have and the value they add to the circles they interact with

“After coming to Boomerang, I am a changed person. I am a better fit for your school now.”

- Boomerang Student speaking to his Assistant Principal

“Through Boomerang, health was restored in our family. We were thrilled with the results [of our student attending Strive].”

~ Strive Family

I am a good kid, I just went down a bad path.
— Boomerang Student

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